Social distancing has given us a new appreciation for our outdoor spaces. Getting some fresh air is a must, but there’s more to it. We’ve witnessed our community transform their backyards into inviting, multi-functioning spaces for work, school, play, and even camping out for the weekend. It’s the change of scenery we all need, and taking calls in the sunshine might just become the new norm.

As summer rapidly approaches, our Hosts are finding even more innovative ways to enjoy their backyards. With the right furniture and some creative thinking, the world (aka the backyard) is your oyster.
Family Reading Sessions
Unplugging is one of the greatest joys of being outside. Outer Host Carolina C. has made reading time with the kids an everyday occasion. “It’s my favorite part of the day, and the kids really look forward to it, too.”

Movie Nights
While theaters may be closed at the moment, you can still catch up on summer blockbusters (or some classic favorites) with a projector and sheet, or an outdoor television. According to Matt and Marilee D., our Hosts in Orange, CA, “pretty much every night is movie night!”

An Office with a View
Flora H. from Hollywood Hills is often on the go, so much so that she doesn’t usually get to enjoy her patio, but now she’s there all the time. “I’m learning to embrace the quiet time and the freedom of working from home,” she said.

With an extension cord and some wifi, it’s fairly easy to transform the patio into a makeshift office. Being in nature will offer a fresh perspective and creative inspiration.
Self-Care in Nature
No need to abandon our workout routines or self-care practices. In fact, they’re more important than ever. Check out this guide for ways to get grounded and stay active in the backyard.
A Mini Vacation
“With little ones, we’re outside every chance we get!” Johanna D. from Lake Forest, IL says. “We can lounge just as comfortably outside as inside. We roast s'mores, cuddle up, and enjoy the fresh air (and non-screen time) together. It feels like a vacation at the end of a long day of working and childcare.”

Morning Mantras (and Coffee)
Studies show stepping outside every day, even just for a few minutes, reduces stress and improves sleep. Getting out there first thing paves the way for a more peaceful day ahead, especially if you give yourself a few minutes to sit in quiet before jumping in to the day’s tasks, or looking at your phone.

“I always have my morning coffee outside,” says Linda K. from Los Angeles. “I’m so appreciative of my outdoor space in these days of social distancing!”
Create an Outdoor Dining/Living/Family Room
A change of scenery can work wonders, particularly after a long day of Zoom calls or chasing toddlers. Bring dinner or game night onto the patio.

“Our Outer living space is the hub,” says Jesse R. from Portland, OR. “We lounge and grill and even enjoy rainy days on our sofa.”
The stay at home measures may lift soonish, but our backyard sanctuaries will always be there. It’s reassuring to know—and maybe the reminder we all need—that there’s a place just steps away where we can relax, reset, and rewatch those summertime classics.